Legends of PalismaSpell Reference

Animate Dead

  • Arcane: 5
  • Divine: 0
  • Duration: special
  • Range: touch
This spell turns the bones or bodies of dead creatures into undead skeletons or zombies that follow the caster's spoken commands. The caster may animate a number of Hit Dice of undead equal to twice his caster level each time he casts this spell. Animated skeletons have Hit Dice equal to the number the monster had in life; for skeletons of humans or demi-humans, this means one Hit Die, regardless of the character level of the deceased. Zombies have one more Hit Die than the monster had in life. An animated skeleton can be created only from a mostly intact skeleton; a zombie can be created only from a mostly intact corpse. The caster must touch the remains to be animated. Animate dead normally lasts for just one day, but the spellcaster can make the spell permanent by sprinkling 1 vial of unholy water per Hit Die on each zombie or skeleton. If this is done, the undead remain animated until they are destroyed or dispelled.

Anti-Magic Shell

  • Arcane: 6
  • Divine: 0
  • Duration: 12 turns
  • Range: 10' radius
This spell creates a personal barrier about the caster that stops any spell or spell-like effects (including the caster's) from coming in or going out until the duration is up or until the caster decides to end the spell. Spell-like effects are all effects that duplicate a spell, or magical effects that are resisted with a saving throw versus Spells or Staffs & Wands (but excluding effects that do not duplicate a spell and are resisted with saving throws versus Poison, Breath, Paralysis, or Petrification). Spells with a range of "self," or "touch" spells used on the caster himself, are not blocked by an anti-magic shell. If a creature or item with an ongoing spell or spell-like effect enters an anti-magic shell, the spell or effect is dispelled as if by a dispel magic; effects which cannot be dispelled (such as magic weapon bonuses) are not affected. An anti-magic spell itself cannot be dispelled.


  • Arcane: 0
  • Divine: 5
  • Duration: permanent
  • Range: 0'
This spell removes the burden of unwilling evil acts or misdeeds from the subject. The creature seeking atonement must be truly repentant and desirous of setting right its misdeeds. Atonement may be cast to reverse magical alignment change. This complex spell takes 1 turn to cast.


  • Arcane: 0
  • Divine: 2
  • Duration: see below
  • Range: self
An augury can tell the caster whether a particular action will bring good or bad results in the immediate future. The base chance for receiving a true reply is 70% + 1% per caster level; this roll is made secretly by the Judge. The augury can see into the future only 3 turns, so anything that might happen after that does not affect the result. Thus, the result will not take into account the long-term consequences of a contemplated action.


  • Arcane: 0
  • Divine: 2
  • Duration: 6 turns
  • Range: 0'
When cast before battle, bless gives the caster and his allies (within a 50' radius of the caster) a bonus of +1 to attack throws, damage rolls, morale rolls (for monsters or NPCs allied with the caster), and saving throws against magical fear. It may not be cast on creatures who are already engaged in melee. Divine spellcasters of 7th level or higher may also use bless to create holy water. One casting of bless will transform 1 pint of ordinary water into holy water. Casting bless in this manner demands a sacrifice to the caster's deity worth at least 10gp. Once created, holy water will retain its potency indefinitely so long as it is kept in the vial it was blessed in. See the [Equipment Descriptions](Chapter03.md#equipment-descriptions) in Chapter 3 for information on holy water. The reverse of bless is called bane. It fills the caster's enemies (within a 50' radius) with fear and doubt, causing each affected character or monster to suffer a -1 penalty on attack throws, damage rolls, morale rolls, and saving throws against magical fear. Bane may also be used by chaotic divine casters of 7th level or higher, in conjunction with a sacrifice of at least 10gp, to create a vial of unholy water. Unholy water has beneficial effects when used in the animation of the dead. See Animate Dead, above.

Charm Animal

  • Arcane: 0
  • Divine: 2
  • Duration: special
  • Range: 60'
This spell allows the caster to charm an animal (including normal and giant animals but excluding humans, demi-humans, humanoids, and fantastic creatures) in much the same fashion as charm person. Unintelligent animals receive no saving throw when the spell is cast, but intelligent animals such as great apes or whales are allowed a save versus Spells to resist. Once in effect, the charm lasts until removed by a dispel magic spell or until the animal makes a successful saving throw versus Spells. The charmed animal receives a saving throw to break the spell each day if it has 7+1 HD or more, every week if it has 5-6 HD, and every month if it has 4 HD or fewer. This spell does not grant the caster any special means of communication with the affected animal; if combined with speak with animals, this spell becomes significantly more useful.

Charm Monster

  • Arcane: 4
  • Divine: 0
  • Duration: special
  • Range: 60'
This spell functions like charm person, except that the effect is not restricted by monster type or size. Undead monsters are unaffected. This spell can affect up to 3d6 Hit Dice of creatures of 4 or fewer Hit Dice, or one creature of more than 4 Hit Dice. Calculate creatures with less than 1 HD as having 1/2 HD, and creatures with a bonus to HD as having the flat amount. The caster may decide which individual creatures out of a mixed group are to be affected first; excess Hit Dice of effect are ignored. Any creatures that make a successful saving throw versus Spells resist the effect. Once in effect, the charm lasts until removed by a dispel magic spell or until the creature makes a successful save. The charmed creature receives a saving throw to break the spell each day if it has 7+1 HD or more, every week if it has 5-6 HD, and every month if it has 4 HD or fewer. If the creature is highly intelligent (INT 9 or more), it may save more frequently than its HD would otherwise warrant, using the frequencies listed for charm person, below.

Charm Person

  • Arcane: 1
  • Divine: 0
  • Duration: special
  • Range: 60'
This spell makes a humanoid creature regard the caster as its trusted friend and ally. Humanoid creatures include bugbears, dryads, dwarves, elves, gnolls, gnomes, goblins, hobgoblins, kobolds, lizardmen, men, mermen, morlocks, neanderthal, naiads, ogres, pixies, sprites, and troglodytes, and other man-like creatures no larger than an ogre and possessing 4 or fewer Hit Dice. Humans and demi-humans may be affected regardless of character level. A save versus Spells will negate the effect. If the target of the spell is currently being threatened or attacked by the caster or his or her allies, it receives a +5 bonus on its saving throw. The spell does not enable the caster to control the charmed creature as if it were an automaton; rather, it perceives his words and actions in the most favorable way. The caster can try to give the subject orders, but it will not do anything it wouldn't ordinarily do, and further may receive an additional saving throw to overcome the magic (at the Judge's discretion). The caster must speak the charmed creature's language to communicate any commands, or else be good at pantomiming; of course, if the caster is attacked, the charmed creature will act to protect its "friend" (though that could mean attacking the caster's enemies, or attempting to carry off the caster to a "safe" place). The charmed creature receives a new saving throw each day if it is has an Intelligence of 13 or greater, every week if its Intelligence is 9-12, or every month it its Intelligence is 8 or less. A charm may be removed by a dispel magic spell.


  • Arcane: 3
  • Divine: 0
  • Duration: 12 turns
  • Range: 60'
This spell enables the caster to see into another area through the eyes of a living creature in that area. The caster must specify the direction and approximate distance, up to a maximum of 60' away, but the target area need not be in line of sight. A lead barrier between the caster and the subject creature will block the effect. If there is no appropriate creature in that area, the spell fails. No saving throw is allowed, and the subject is unaware that it is being so used. The caster may choose another subject creature after at least a turn has passed, enabling multiple locations to be viewed. If the subject creature moves out of range, contact is lost, though the caster may be able to choose another subject in this case.


  • Arcane: 5
  • Divine: 0
  • Duration: 6 turns
  • Range: special
This spell creates a cloud of poison gas 30' in diameter that spreads out from the caster's fingertips. The cloud moves at a rate of 20' per round away from the caster. The poison gas is heavier than air and will sink down holes or slide downhill; it is broken up by trees or thick vegetation. Each round they are within the cloud, creatures of fewer than 5 Hit Dice or levels must save versus Poison or die, taking 1 point of damage even if the save is successful. Creatures having 5 or more Hit Dice or levels take 1 point of damage each round they are within the cloud. The cloud persists for the entire duration even if the caster ceases to concentrate upon it.

Command Word

  • Arcane: 0
  • Divine: 1
  • Duration: 1 round
  • Range: 10'
When a cleric casts this spell, he may give the target a one word command, which it obeys to the best of its ability. The single word must make sense as a single command, such as approach, drop, fall, flee, halt, surrender, sleep, etc. Although a target could be instructed to "die," this will only make the target faint for a single round. Note that the caster must be able to speak the language of the target. Any intended target with more than 5 HD or an INT of over 12 is entitled to a saving throw versus Spells. This spell is ineffective against undead.


  • Arcane: 0
  • Divine: 5
  • Duration: 3 turns
  • Range: self
This spell puts the caster in contact with the great powers he serves, who will answer three yes-or-no questions. The being contacted may or may not be omniscient, and further, though the being is technically allied with the caster, it may still not answer questions clearly or completely. These details are left to the Judge's discretion. The ritual to cast this spell takes 1 turn to complete, and may be performed but once per week. Once a year, possibly upon the patron deity's feast day, the divine spellcaster may ask twice the normal number of questions.


  • Arcane: 4
  • Divine: 0
  • Duration: 12 rounds
  • Range: 120'
This spell causes up to 3d6 living creatures within a 30' radius circle around the target point to become confused, making them unable to independently determine what they will do. Creatures with 2 or fewer Hit Dice receive no saving throw. Those with more than 2 Hit Dice may make a saving throw versus Spells to resist the effect. A confused creature rolls 2d6 on the following table on its initiative each round to determine its actions: | 2d6 | Behavior | 2-5 | Attack the caster or allies with melee or ranged weapons (or move closer if attack is not possible). | 6-8 | Do nothing but babble incoherently. | 9-12 | Attack the creature's own party, if any. A confused creature which can't carry out the indicated action does nothing but babble incoherently. Attackers are not at any special advantage when attacking a confused creature. Any confused creature who is attacked automatically retaliates on its next turn, as long as it is still confused when its turn comes.

Conjure Elemental

  • Arcane: 5
  • Divine: 0
  • Duration: special
  • Range: 240'
A portal to one of the Elemental Planes of Air, Earth, Fire, or Water is opened, allowing the arcane spellcaster to summon an elemental from that plane. At most one elemental of each type may be summoned by the caster in a given day. Once the elemental appears, it serves the conjurer indefinitely, provided that the caster concentrates on nothing but controlling the creature. Spell casting, combat, or movement over half the normal rate results in loss of concentration. See the entry under [Elementals](Chapter08.md#elemental) in the Monsters chapter for statistics for the conjured elemental. The conjurer, while in control of an elemental, can dismiss it to its native plane at will (doing so on his Initiative if in combat). If the arcane spellcaster loses concentration, control of the summoned elemental is lost and cannot be regained. The creature then seeks to attack the conjurer and all others in its path. Only dispel magic or dispel evil will banish the elemental once control has been lost. An uncontrolled elemental may, of course, choose to return to its home plane on its own; such creatures will never choose to remain on the Material Plane for long.

Contact Other Plane

  • Arcane: 5
  • Divine: 0
  • Duration: special
  • Range: self
The caster sends his mind to another plane of existence in order to receive advice and information from powers there. See the accompanying table for possible consequences and results of the attempt. The powers reply in a language the caster understands, but they resent such contact and give only brief answers to questions. All questions are answered with "yes," "no," "maybe," "never," "irrelevant," or some other one-word answer. The caster must concentrate on maintaining the spell in order to ask questions at the rate of one per round. A question is answered by the power during the same round. The caster must choose how many questions to ask before the spell is cast. The number of questions to be asked determines the power and proximity of the contacted being. The more questions asked, the further away the contacted plane is and the more powerful the being is. First, roll on the table below to see if the power knows the answer. Then roll to see if the power answers truthfully. There is a probability that the caster will go insane after casting the spell, and the probability is related to the number of questions asked. | Questions | Don't Know | True Answer | Insanity | -------------: |-------------: |--------------: |-------------: | 3 | 75% | 50% | 5% | 4 | 70% | 55% | 10% | 5 | 65% | 60% | 15% | 6 | 60% | 65% | 20% | 7 | 50% | 70% | 25% | 8 | 40% | 75% | 30% | 9 | 30% | 80% | 35% | 10 | 20% | 85% | 40% | 11 | 10% | 90% | 45% | 12 | 5% | 95% | 50% *Don't Know*: The entity may or may not know the answer, and may or may not tell the caster the truth of whether it knows or not. *True Answer*: The caster gets a true, one-word answer. Otherwise, the entity lies and the lie is undetectable. *Insanity*: The chance that the caster goes insane at the effort of communication. A character that goes insane will remain that way for the same number of weeks as the total number of questions asked, and the player cannot play the character during this time. The base chance indicated on the table is reduced by 5% for every level the caster is above 11. For example, a 14th level caster receives -15% to the insanity roll.

Continual Light*

  • Arcane: 2
  • Divine: 3
  • Duration: special
  • Range: 360'
This spell creates a spherical region of light, as bright as full daylight up to a 30' radius, and with lesser intensity to a radius of 60'. Continual light can be cast on an object, into the air, or at a creature, just as with the light spell, up to a maximum range of 360' from the caster. As with light, this spell can be used to blind a creature if cast on its visual organs. Creatures targeted by this spell are allowed a save versus Death; if the save is made, the spell is cast into the air just behind the target creature. A penalty of -4 is applied to the blinded creature's attack throws if the saving throw fails. The reversed spell, continual darkness, causes complete absence of light in the area of effect, overpowering normal light sources. Continual darkness may be used to blind just as continual light can. Any blindness ends when the spell ends. Continual light and continual darkness are not permanent effects, but are instead effects that are indefinitely sustained by the caster without need for concentration. A caster may indefinitely sustain one continual light or continual darkness spell per level of experience. A truly permanent light requires a permanency ritual.

Control Weather

  • Arcane: 6
  • Divine: 0
  • Duration: see below
  • Range: 0'
This spell allows the caster to create a special weather condition in his vicinity. The radius is limited to a localized 240 yards in an outdoor setting only. This spell has an indefinite duration so long as the caster is stationary and concentrating. Possible weather and their effects are detailed below. | Weather | Effects | Calm | Dissipates foul weather | Hot | Will dry wet conditions, all movement divided by 2 | Cold | Water and mud freezes instantaneously, all movement divided by 2 | Severe Winds | All movement divided by 2, no flying or missile weapon use possible. Sandy conditions will reduce visibility to 20'. Ship speed increased or decreased depending on if sailing with or against the wind. | Tornado | The caster can direct the tornado, which moves at 120' per round. The tornado can be directed to attack, using the characteristics of an air elemental with 12 HD. Sea vessels have a 75% chance of suffering 8+1d4 structural hit points damage. | Foggy | Visibility drops to 20', and all movement is divided by 2. | Rainy | Missile attacks at -2. Mud forms in 3 turns, and movement divided by 2. | Snowy | Visibility drops to 20', and all movement is divided by 2

Create Food

  • Arcane: 0
  • Divine: 5
  • Duration: permanent
  • Range: 10'
The food that this spell creates is simple fare of the caster's choice, highly nourishing, but rather bland. Up to 12 men and their mounts can be fed for one day with this spell. For every level of experience the divine spellcaster is above 8th, he is able to create food for 12 more men and their mounts. Food so created decays and becomes inedible within 24 hours, although it can be kept fresh for another 24 hours by casting purify food and water on it.

Create Water

  • Arcane: 0
  • Divine: 4
  • Duration: permanent
  • Range: 10'
This spell summons forth an enchanted spring from the ground or wall that will provide enough water for 12 men and their mounts for one day (50 gallons). For every level the divine spellcaster is above 8th, 12 additional men and mounts can be supplied. Note that one or more vessels to contain the water must be available at the time of casting. The water created by this spell is just like clean rain water. Note: Water weighs about 1 stone (8lb, to be exact) per gallon, and one cubic foot of water is roughly 8 gallons.

Cure Blindness

  • Arcane: 0
  • Divine: 3
  • Duration: instantaneous
  • Range: touch
With this spell the caster can cure a creature suffering blindness (whether caused by injury or by magic, including light or continual light). Blindness caused by a curse cannot be cured by this spell.

Cure Disease*

  • Arcane: 0
  • Divine: 3
  • Duration: instantaneous
  • Range: touch
This spell cures all diseases that the subject is suffering from, including magical diseases as lycanthropy and mummy rot. Cure disease will also kill green slime and other parasites afflicting the target creature. Certain special diseases may not be countered by this spell or may be countered only by a caster of a certain level or higher. This spell does not prevent reinfection after a new exposure to the same disease. The reverse of this spell, cause disease, infects the target with a horrific wasting plague unless a save versus Spells is made. While afflicted, the target suffers -2 on attack throws, cannot be magically healed, and will naturally heal at half the normal rate. The disease will be fatal in 2d12 days unless a cure disease spell is cast on the victim.

Cure Light Wounds*

  • Arcane: 0
  • Divine: 1
  • Duration: instantaneous
  • Range: touch
With this spell the caster heals 1d6+1 points of damage by laying his hand upon the injured creature. This spell may also be used to cure paralysis, but does not then cure any points of damage. The spell will never increase a creature's hit points beyond the normal amount. The reverse form of this spell, cause light wounds, causes 1d6+1 damage to the creature affected by it. A successful attack throw is required in this case. Undead are affected by this spell and its reverse in opposite fashion; they are injured by cure light wounds and healed by cause light wounds.

Cure Serious Wounds*

  • Arcane: 0
  • Divine: 4
  • Duration: instantaneous
  • Range: touch
This spell works exactly like cure light wounds, save that it heals 2d6 points of damage, plus 1 point per caster level. The reverse, cause serious wounds, also works exactly like cause light wounds, except that it inflicts 2d6 + caster level in damage.

Death Spell

  • Arcane: 6
  • Divine: 0
  • Duration: instantaneous
  • Range: 240'
This spell will kill a total of 4d8 Hit Dice of creatures in a 30' radius sphere centered wherever the caster wishes (within the range limit). If there are more Hit Dice of creatures present than the spell can kill, the death spell will slay the weakest creatures first. Hit dice that are not sufficient to affect a creature are wasted. Each creature affected is allowed a saving throw versus Death; those that fail the save die immediately. Creatures of 8 or more Hit Dice or levels are immune to the spell, as are undead monsters, golems, and any other creature that is not truly alive.

Delay Poison

  • Arcane: 0
  • Divine: 2
  • Duration: 1 turn per level
  • Range: touch
The subject becomes temporarily immune to poison. Any poison in its system or any poison to which it is exposed during the spell's duration does not affect the subject until the spell's duration has expired. Unless cured, saving throws and damage as appropriate are rolled once the spell ends. Delay poison does not cure any damage that poison may have already done. However, if the spell is cast on a subject who has recently died from poison, within 1 turn per caster level, life is restored until the spell duration ends. A revived character will have 1 hp for the duration of the spell, but if the spell ends prior to the poison being cured, the subject dies again.

Detect Evil*

  • Arcane: 2
  • Divine: 1
  • Duration: 6 turns
  • Range: 60'
This spell allows the caster to detect evil; specifically, the caster can detect creatures with evil intentions, magic items with evil enchantments, undead, sinkholes of evil, and summoned creatures of Chaotic alignment. Note that normal characters, even if Chaotic, are not detected by this spell unless they have actively evil intentions against the caster. Poisons, physical traps, and natural animals are neither good nor evil, so they are not detected by this spell. The caster sees the evil creatures or objects with a definite red glow around them, but the glow cannot be seen by anyone else. Reversed, this spell becomes detect good, which works just as described above with respect to detecting good enchantments, summoned creatures of Lawful alignment, and good intentions.

Detect Invisible

  • Arcane: 2
  • Divine: 0
  • Duration: 6 turns
  • Range: 60'
By means of this spell the caster is able to see invisible characters, creatures or objects within the given range, seeing them as translucent shapes.

Detect Magic

  • Arcane: 1
  • Divine: 1
  • Duration: 2 turns
  • Range: 60'
The caster of this spell is able to detect enchanted or enspelled objects or creatures within the given range by sight, seeing them surrounded by a pale glowing yellow light. Only the caster sees the glow. Invisible creatures or objects are not detected by this spell, but the emanations of the invisibility magic will be seen as an amorphous glowing fog, possibly allowing the caster (only) to attack the invisible creature at an attack penalty of only -2.

Dimension Door

  • Arcane: 4
  • Divine: 0
  • Duration: instantaneous
  • Range: 10'
The caster of this spell instantly transfers himself, or any single target creature within range, to any spot within 360' of the caster's or creature's present location. The caster or target creature always arrives at exactly the spot desired, whether the caster visualizes the area or states direction and distance. An unwilling target may save versus Spells to avoid being transported. Anything worn or carried by the caster or target creature will be transported also, including another character or creature if the transportee can lift it. If the target area is within a solid object, the spell fails automatically.


  • Arcane: 6
  • Divine: 0
  • Duration: instantaneous
  • Range: 60'
This spell causes a thin, green ray to spring from the caster's pointing finger. Any single creature or object (up to a 10' x 10' x 10' cube of material) is entirely disintegrated, leaving behind only a trace of fine dust. A disintegrated creature's equipment is unaffected. A creature that makes a successful save versus Death is unaffected. The ray can target only one creature per casting; if that target saves, the spell is wasted.

Dispel Evil

  • Arcane: 0
  • Divine: 5
  • Duration: 1 turn
  • Range: 30'
When this spell is cast, the caster can take no other action but concentrate on the spell for the entire duration. All undead or other enchanted creatures that come within 30' of the caster must succeed in a saving throw versus Death or be destroyed. Any creature that makes this saving throw will instead flee from the affected area. Instead of casting the spell in a 30' radius, the caster can direct the spell at one monster only, and that monster saves with a -2 penalty. Casting dispel evil upon an unholy place or shrine can sometimes rid the place of evil (Judge's discretion). In addition, dispel evil can be used to remove a cursed item from a being within the spell range; doing so discharges and ends the spell.

Dispel Magic

  • Arcane: 3
  • Divine: 4
  • Duration: instantaneous
  • Range: 120'
The caster can use dispel magic to end ongoing spells that have been cast on a creature or object, or to end ongoing spells (or at least their effects) within a cubic area 20' on a side. The caster must choose whether to cast dispel magic on a creature or object, or to affect an area. If dispel magic is targeted at a creature, all spells and spell-like effects (including ongoing potion effects) may be canceled. If cast upon an area, all such effects within the area may be canceled. Any spell or effect cast by a character of equal or lower level than the dispel magic caster's level is ended automatically. Those created by higher level casters might not be canceled; there is a 5% chance the dispel magic will fail for each level the spell or effect exceeds the caster level. For example, a 10th level caster dispelling magic created by a 14th level caster has a 20% chance of failure. Some spells cannot be ended by dispel magic; this specifically includes any magical disease, geas, quest, petrification from a flesh to stone spell, and any curse, including those created by bestow curse (the reverse of remove curse) as well as by cursed items.


  • Arcane: 0
  • Divine: 4
  • Duration: special
  • Range: self
Similar to augury but more powerful, a divination spell can provide the caster with a useful piece of advice in reply to a question concerning a specific goal, event, or activity that is to occur within one week. The advice can be as simple as a short phrase, or it might take the form of a cryptic rhyme or omen. If the caster doesn't act on the information, the conditions may change so that the information is no longer useful. The base chance for a correct divination is 60% + 1% per caster level. The Judge should roll this secretly. If the dice roll fails, false information is delivered.


  • Arcane: 2
  • Divine: 0
  • Duration: 12 turns
  • Range: 60'
This spell permits the caster to detect the surface thoughts of one or more targets within range. The caster must designate a direction, and then concentrate for a turn in order to "hear" the thoughts. Each turn the caster may choose to "listen" in a different direction. The caster may stop listening, then resume again later, so long as the duration has not expired. A creature's thoughts are understood regardless of the language. The target creature is not normally aware of being spied upon in this way. If it is aware, it may make a saving throw versus Spells to clear its thoughts and avoid detection. Rock more than 2 inches thick or a thin coating of lead or gold will block the spell. All undead creatures are immune to this effect, as are mindless creatures such as golems.

Faerie Fire

  • Arcane: 0
  • Divine: 1
  • Duration: 1 round per level
  • Range: 60'
With this spell, the divine spellcaster can outline one or more creatures or objects with a pale, flickering greenish fire. The fire does not inflict any damage. The objects or creatures need only be detected in some way (such as by detect magic) to be the object of this spell. All attacks against the outlined creature or object gain a +2 bonus to attack throws, as it is more easily seen. The caster can outline 1 man-sized creature (about 12' of fire) for each 5 levels of experience, rounded up.


  • Arcane: 5
  • Divine: 0
  • Duration: permanent
  • Range: 180'
If the target creature fails a saving throw versus Spells, it becomes a helpless idiot unable to cast spells, understand language, communicate coherently, or fight effectively. The victim does dimly remember who its friends are and may follow their simple instructions. The subject remains in this state until dispel magic is used to cancel the effect. A target creature that can cast arcane spells suffers a penalty of -4 on its saving throw against this spell.

Feign Death

  • Arcane: 0
  • Divine: 3
  • Duration: 6 rounds plus 1 round per level
  • Range: touch
The caster of this spell causes a state of death-like paralytic arrest in himself or another willing creature. This physical state completely mimics death to any observer, even if the creature is physically examined. To affect another creature, physical contact must be made and the target must have equal or fewer levels or HD to the caster. No saving throw is permitted. Any being under the effect of this spell is conscious and can hear and smell, but cannot move and is completely numb. Thus, if the body is damaged or otherwise molested, there will be no discomfort to the spell recipient and no physical reaction. Damage inflicted to a creature in this state is reduced by 50%, and poison, paralysis, or energy drain attacks are ineffective. However, any poison that retains its effective duration after the spell ends will affect the creature once the spell ends or is negated. The caster may negate the spell before the duration ends, but 1 round must pass for the body to resume normal life functions.


  • Arcane: 0
  • Divine: 1
  • Duration: 1 turn per level
  • Range: self
This spell causes the divine spellcaster to increase the feelings of camaraderie in those he interacts with. All creatures that socially interact with the spellcaster must make a saving throw versus Spells. All those failing the saving throw are very impressed by the caster and greatly desire to be his friend and assist him in any way they can, treating him as if his Charisma was 2d4 points higher than actual. Those who do not fail the saving throw are uneasy in the caster's presence and tend to find him irritating; they treat him as if his Charisma was 1d4 points lower. This spell has no effect on creatures of animal intelligence or lower.

Find Traps

  • Arcane: 0
  • Divine: 2
  • Duration: 3 turns
  • Range: 30'
This spell permits the caster to detect a variety of traps, both mechanical and magical. When the caster moves within 30' of a trap, he will see it glow with a faint blue aura. The caster is not, however, able to detect certain natural hazards such as quicksand, a sinkhole, or unsafe walls of natural rock. The spell also does not bestow the caster with the knowledge needed to disarm the trap, nor any details about its type or nature.


  • Arcane: 3
  • Divine: 0
  • Duration: instantaneous
  • Range: 240'
This spell creates an explosion of flame that detonates with a low roar and deals 1d6 points of fire damage per caster level to every creature within a spherical volume having a 20' diameter. A saving throw versus Blast for half damage is allowed. The explosion creates almost no pressure. The caster points a finger and determines the range (distance and height) at which the fireball is to burst. A glowing, pea-sized bead streaks from the pointing digit and, unless it impacts upon a material body or solid barrier prior to attaining the prescribed range, blossoms into the fireball at that point. An early impact results in an early detonation. If the caster attempts to send the bead through a narrow passage, such as through an arrow slit, he or she must roll a missile attack throw (without range adjustments) to hit the opening, or else the bead strikes the barrier and detonates prematurely. The fireball sets fire to combustibles and damages objects in the area. It can melt metals with low melting points, such as lead, gold, copper, silver, and bronze. If the damage caused to an interposing barrier shatters or breaks through it, the fireball may continue beyond the barrier in order to attain its full volume.

Flame Strike

  • Arcane: 0
  • Divine: 5
  • Duration: instantaneous
  • Range: 60'
A flame strike produces a vertical column of divine fire 30' high and 10' in diameter that roars downward on a target. The spell deals 6d8 points of damage. A successful saving throw versus Spells reduces the damage to 3d8.

Flesh to Stone*

  • Arcane: 6
  • Divine: 0
  • Duration: permanent
  • Range: 120'
This spell causes the target creature, along with all its carried gear, to turn into a mindless, inert statue. A saving throw versus Petrification is allowed to resist the spell. If the statue resulting from this spell is broken or damaged, the target creature (if ever returned to its original state) suffers equivalent damage or deformities. Only creatures made of flesh can be targeted by this spell. A dispel magic does not undo flesh to stone. The reverse spell, stone to flesh, acts as a counterspell for flesh to stone, restoring the creature just as it was when it was petrified. If applied to stone that is not the result of flesh to stone or similar petrification effects (such as a medusa's gaze), it will merely transform a man-sized volume of stone into a gooey pile of organic matter.

Floating Disc

  • Arcane: 1
  • Divine: 0
  • Duration: 6 turns
  • Range: 10'
This spell creates an invisible, slightly concave circular plane of force for carrying loads. It is about the size of a shield, being 3' in diameter and 1" deep at its center. It can hold a maximum of 50 stone (500lb) of weight. (Note that water weighs about 1 stone or 8lb per gallon.) The disc must be loaded so that the items placed upon it are properly supported, or they will (of course) fall off. For example, the disc can support just over 62 gallons of water, but the water must be in a barrel or other reasonable container that can be placed upon the disc. Similarly, a pile of loose coins will tend to slip and slide about, and some will fall off with every step the caster takes; but a large sack full of coins, properly tied, will remain stable. The disc floats level to the ground, at about the height of the caster's waist. It remains still when within 10' of the caster, and follows at the caster's movement rate if he moves away from it. The floating disc can be pushed as needed to position it but will be dispelled if somehow moved more than 10' from the caster. When the spell duration expires, the disc disappears from existence and drops whatever was supported to the surface beneath.


  • Arcane: 3
  • Divine: 0
  • Duration: 1 turn per level
  • Range: touch
The subject of this spell can fly in any direction at a speed of up to 120' per round (360' per turn). Flying under the effect of this spell requires only as much concentration as walking, so the subject can attack or cast spells normally. The subject of a fly spell cannot carry aloft more weight than his maximum load. If a fly spell is dispelled, the subject will plummet from the air.


  • Arcane: 6
  • Divine: 0
  • Duration: special
  • Range: 30'
This spell places a magical command on a creature to carry out some service or to refrain from some action or course of activity, as desired by the caster. The target creature must be able to understand the caster for this spell to take effect. While a geas cannot compel a creature to kill itself or perform acts that would result in certain death, it can cause almost any other course of activity. A saving throw versus Spells will allow an unwilling target to resist a geas when it is first cast. However, the target may choose to accept the geas, typically as part of a bargain with the caster to perform some service. The geased creature must follow the given instructions until the geas is completed, no matter how long it takes. A character who ignores a geas will suffer cumulative penalties (decided by the Judge) until the character obeys the geas or dies. Suitable penalties include penalties in combat, lowered ability scores, loss of spells, and pain and weakness ending in death. The penalties are removed 24 hours after the subject resumes obeying the geas. If the instructions involve some open-ended task that the recipient cannot complete through his or her own actions, the spell remains in effect for a maximum of one day per caster level. A clever recipient can subvert some instructions. A geas (and all effects thereof) can be ended by a remove curse spell, or by a wish, or by the reverse of this spell, remove geas. There is a 5% chance of failure for every level the caster is lower than the creature who cast the geas. Dispel magic does not affect a geas.

Glyph of Warding

  • Arcane: 0
  • Divine: 3
  • Duration: special
  • Range: touch
This powerful inscription harms those who enter, pass, or open the warded area or object. A glyph of warding can guard a bridge or passage, ward a portal, trap a chest or box, and so on. The area of effect is up to 5' squared per caster level, and a maximum of 10' squared can be inscribed per round. A password is set when casting the spell, and any creature entering or touching the warded area or opening the warded object without speaking a password is subject to the magic it stores. When casting the spell, the cleric weaves a tracery of faintly glowing lines around the warding sigil. A glyph can be placed to conform to any shape up to the limitations of the total square footage. When the spell is completed, the glyph and tracery become nearly invisible. Depending on the version selected, a glyph either blasts the intruder or activates a spell. Blast Glyph: A blast glyph deals 2 points of damage per caster level to intruders. This damage is fire or electricity, chosen by the caster at the time of casting. Each creature affected can attempt a saving throw versus Spell to take half damage. Spell Glyph: The caster can store a harmful spell to be triggered. Spells may include those that cause blindness, paralysis, and energy drain, or similar effects. The cleric must be of a high enough level to cast these spells. A saving throw of the appropriate category (based on the spell) is allowed to avoid the effects of this kind of glyph.

Growth of Animals

  • Arcane: 0
  • Divine: 3
  • Duration: 12 turns
  • Range: 120'
This spell causes an animal to grow to twice its normal size and eight times its normal weight. The affected creature will deal double normal damage with all physical attacks, and its existing natural Armor Class will increase by 2. The animal's carrying capacity is also doubled. Unfriendly animals may save versus Spells to resist this spell; normally, domesticated animals will not attempt to resist it, though they may become confused or panicked afterward (at the Judge's discretion). All equipment worn or carried by an animal is similarly enlarged by the spell, though this change has no effect on the magical properties of any such equipment. Any enlarged item that leaves the enlarged creature's possession instantly returns to its normal size. The spell gives no means of command or influence over the enlarged animals.

Growth of Plants*

  • Arcane: 4
  • Divine: 0
  • Duration: permanent
  • Range: 120'
This spell causes normal vegetation (grasses, briars, bushes, creepers, thistles, trees, vines, etc.) within range to become thick and overgrown. The dimensions of the growth are determined by the caster, but cannot exceed 3,000 square feet (a 30' x 100' area or equivalent). The plants entwine to form a thicket or jungle that is impassable to creatures of less than giant size. Such creatures may hack their way through the thicket at no more than 5' per round. Giant sized creatures are reduced to half normal movement rate. The area must have brush and/or trees in it for this spell to take effect. The reverse form, shrink plants, may be used to render overgrown areas passable. The area of effect is identical to the normal version. Growth of plants and its reverse are permanent until countered, either by the opposite form or by dispel magic. This spell has no effect on animated plant creatures of any sort.

Hallucinatory Terrain

  • Arcane: 4
  • Divine: 0
  • Duration: special
  • Range: 240'
This spell makes an area of outdoor terrain appear as a different type (e.g. field into forest, grassland into desert, or the like). The entire terrain feature must be within range of the spell. This spell requires a full turn to cast. The affected terrain looks, sounds, and smells like another sort of natural terrain. A save versus Spells is allowed to see through the illusion, but only if the creatures or characters affected actively attempt to do so. The spell lasts until the illusion is touched by an intelligent creature moving into the hallucinatory terrain.


  • Arcane: 3
  • Divine: 0
  • Duration: 3 turns
  • Range: 240'
This spell accelerates the actions of 1 creature per caster level within range of the spell. The hasted creatures move and act twice as quickly as normal, having double their normal movement rates and making twice the normal attacks per round, for the duration of the spell. Spellcasting is not accelerated, nor is the use of magic items such as wands, which may still be used just once per round. Multiple haste or speed effects don't combine; only apply the most powerful or longest lasting effect. Reversed, haste becomes slow; affected creatures move at half speed, attacking half as often (generally, every other round) and making half a normal move each round. Target creatures may save versus Spells to avoid the effect. Haste and slow dispel each other. Each time a creature is subject to a haste spell, it ages from the effect. Humans age by 1 year, dwarves by 2 years, and elves by 5 years with each casting. The aging is permanent unless reversed through various means e.g., a wish spell or potion of longevity.

Hold Monster

  • Arcane: 5
  • Divine: 0
  • Duration: 2d8 turns
  • Range: 180'
This spell functions like hold person, except that it affects any living creature that fails its save versus Paralysis.

Hold Person

  • Arcane: 3
  • Divine: 2
  • Duration: 9 turns
  • Range: 180'
This spell will render any living, non-undead humanoid creature paralyzed. Humanoid creatures include bugbears, dryads, dwarves, elves, gnolls, gnomes, goblins, hobgoblins, kobolds, lizardmen, men, mermen, morlocks, neanderthal, naiads, ogres, pixies, sprites, and troglodytes, and other creatures no larger than an ogre and possessing 4 or fewer Hit Dice. Humans and demi-humans may be affected regardless of character level. Targets of the spell are aware, and breathe normally, but cannot take any actions, including speech. A successful save versus Paralysis will negate the effect. The spell may be cast at a single person, who makes his or her save at -2, or at a group, in which case 1d4 of the creatures in the group may be affected. A winged creature which is paralyzed cannot flap its wings and falls (if in flight at the time). A paralyzed swimmer can't swim and may drown.

Hold Portal

  • Arcane: 1
  • Divine: 0
  • Duration: 2d6 turns
  • Range: 10'
This spell magically holds shut a door, gate, window, or shutter of wood, metal, or stone. The magic affects the portal just as if it were securely closed and normally locked, though a thief may not attempt to Pick Locks upon it. A knock spell or a successful dispel magic spell can negate a hold portal spell.

Holy Chant

  • Arcane: 0
  • Divine: 2
  • Duration: special
  • Range: 0'
This spell is intoned continuously, bringing about supernatural intervention centered on the divine spellcaster and affecting any party members within a 30' radius of the caster. All attack throws, damage rolls, and saving throws are made with a +1 bonus. Likewise, all of the rolls attempted by enemies suffer a -1 penalty. This effect continues so long as the caster does not move and focuses only on chanting. However, if he is successfully attacked and dealt damage, or otherwise physically distracted, the spell ends. The spell silence 15' radius also negates the spell.


  • Arcane: 3
  • Divine: 0
  • Duration: 1 day
  • Range: touch
The subject is able to see in the dark to a distance of 60' for the duration of the spell.

Insect Plague

  • Arcane: 0
  • Divine: 5
  • Duration: 1 day
  • Range: 480'
This spell summons a vast cloud of swarming insects (usually locusts) consisting of 4 insect [swarms](Chapter08.md#swarm) (as described in the Monsters chapter). Each swarm is 30' x 30' in size and possesses 4 Hit Dice. The swarms must be summoned so that each one is adjacent to at least one other swarm (that is, the swarms must fill one contiguous area). The caster may summon the swarms so that they share the area of other creatures. Each swarm attacks any creatures occupying its area, and the whole plague will obscure vision and automatically drive off creatures of less than 3 Hit Dice. The caster must concentrate for the duration of the spell to maintain control over the insect plague. The caster loses control of it if he is successfully attacked or if the insect plague leaves the range of the caster. While the caster has control over the insect plague, he can move its constituent swarms 20' per round. The swarms are stationary once the caster loses control of the insect plague.


  • Arcane: 2
  • Divine: 0
  • Duration: special
  • Range: touch
The creature or object touched becomes invisible, vanishing from sight, including Infravision. If the recipient is a creature carrying gear, that vanishes as well. If the spell is cast on someone else, neither the caster nor his allies can see the subject, unless they can normally see invisible things or employ magic to do so. Items dropped or put down by an invisible creature become visible; items picked up disappear if tucked into the clothing or pouches worn by the creature. Light, however, never becomes invisible, although a source of light can become so (thus, the effect is that of a light with no visible source). Any part of an item that the subject carries but that extends more than 10' from it becomes visible. Of course, the subject is not magically silenced, and certain other conditions can render the recipient detectable (such as stepping in a puddle). The spell ends if the subject attacks any creature or casts any spell. Actions (other than spellcasting) directed at unattended objects do not break the spell. Causing harm indirectly is not an attack. The spell lasts at most 24 hours.

Invisibility 10' Radius

  • Arcane: 3
  • Divine: 0
  • Duration: special
  • Range: touch
This spell functions like invisibility, except that this spell confers invisibility upon all creatures within 10' of the recipient. The center of the effect is mobile with the recipient. Those affected by this spell can see each other and themselves as if unaffected by the spell. Any affected creature moving out of the area becomes visible, but creatures moving into the area after the spell is cast do not become invisible. Affected creatures (other than the recipient) who attack negate the invisibility only for themselves. If the spell recipient attacks, the invisibility sphere ends for all affected creatures.

Invisible Stalker

  • Arcane: 6
  • Divine: 0
  • Duration: special
  • Range: 10'
The caster summons an [invisible stalker](Chapter08.md#invisible-stalker) to do his bidding (see the Monsters chapter for details), which appears anywhere within range. The spell persists until dispel evil is cast on the creature, it is slain, or the task is fulfilled. The Judge is advised to review the monster entry for the invisible stalker when this spell is used, as they may not always be reliable servants.


  • Arcane: 2
  • Divine: 0
  • Duration: special
  • Range: 60'
The knock spell opens stuck, barred, locked, held, or wizard locked doors. It opens known secret doors, as well as locked or trick-opening boxes or chests. It also loosens welds, shackles, or chains, provided they serve to hold shut something which can be opened. If used to open a wizard locked door, the spell does not remove the wizard lock but simply suspends its functioning for one turn. In all other cases, the door does not relock itself or become stuck again on its own. Knock will not raise a portcullis or operate any other similar mechanism, nor will it affect ropes, vines, and the like. Each spell can undo a single means of preventing access.


  • Arcane: 2
  • Divine: 0
  • Duration: 6 turns plus 1 turn per level
  • Range: touch
Levitate allows the caster to move himself, another creature, or an object up and down as desired. A creature must be willing to be levitated, and an object must be unattended or possessed by a willing creature. The caster can mentally direct the subject to move up or down as much as 20' each round, by concentration. The caster cannot move the subject horizontally, but the subject could clamber along the face of a cliff, for example, or push against a ceiling to move laterally (generally at half its normal land speed). A creature can carry its normal amount of weight when levitating (possibly including another creature). A levitating creature that attacks with a weapon finds itself increasingly unstable; the first attack throw has a -1 attack penalty, the second -2, and so on, to a maximum penalty of -5. A full round spent stabilizing allows the creature to begin again at -1.


  • Arcane: 1
  • Divine: 1
  • Duration: 6 turns plus 1 turn per level
  • Range: 120'
This spell creates a light equal to torchlight which illuminates a 30' radius area (and provides dim light for an additional 20') around the target location or object. The effect is immobile if cast into an area, but it can be cast on a movable object. Light taken into an area of magical darkness does not function. Reversed, light becomes darkness, creating an area of darkness just as described above. This darkness blocks out infravision and negates mundane light sources. A light spell may be cast to counter and dispel the darkness spell of an equal or lower level caster (and vice versa). Doing so causes both spells to instantly cease, restoring the existing ambient light level. Either version of this spell may be used to blind an opponent by means of casting it on the target's ocular organs. The target is allowed a saving throw versus Spells to avoid the effect, and if the save is made, the spell does not take effect at all. A light or darkness spell cast to blind does not have the given area of effect (that is, no light or darkness is shed around the victim).

Lightning Bolt

  • Arcane: 3
  • Divine: 0
  • Duration: instantaneous
  • Range: 180'
The caster releases a powerful stroke of electrical energy that is 60' long. The lightning bolt passes through an area 5' wide, arcing and jumping, so that, while it is not actually 5' wide, for game purposes treat it as if it is so. It deals 1d6 points of electricity damage per caster level to each creature within its area. Any creature caught in the area of effect receives a saving throw versus Blast. A successful save reduces damage by half. The lightning bolt sets fire to combustibles and damages objects in its path. It can melt metals with a low melting point, such as lead, gold, copper, silver, or bronze. If the damage caused to an interposing barrier shatters or breaks through it, the bolt may continue beyond the barrier if the spell's range permits; otherwise, it may reflect from the barrier back toward the caster, or in a random direction at the Judge's option. Creatures already affected by the lightning bolt do not take additional damage if struck by the reflection of the same bolt.

Locate Object

  • Arcane: 2
  • Divine: 3
  • Duration: 6 turns
  • Range: 120'
This spell allows the caster to sense the direction of a well-known or clearly visualized object. He can search for general items, in which case the nearest one of its kind is located if more than one is within range. The caster cannot specify a unique item unless he or she has observed that particular item firsthand (not through divination). The spell is blocked by even a thin sheet of lead or gold. Creatures cannot be found by this spell.

Lower Water

  • Arcane: 6
  • Divine: 0
  • Duration: 10 turns
  • Range: 240'
This spell causes water or similar liquid to reduce its depth by as much as 2' per caster level (to a minimum depth of 1 inch). The water is lowered within a more or less square-shaped depression whose sides are up to 10' long per caster level. In extremely large and deep bodies of water, such as a deep ocean, the spell creates a whirlpool that sweeps ships and similar craft downward, putting them at risk and rendering them unable to leave by normal movement for the duration of the spell. When cast on water elementals and other water-based creatures, this spell acts as a slow spell (the reverse of haste); a save versus Spells is allowed, with success negating the effect. The spell has no effect on other creatures.

Magic Jar

  • Arcane: 5
  • Divine: 0
  • Duration: special
  • Range: 30'
By casting magic jar, the caster places his soul into an inanimate object within spell range (known as the magic jar), leaving the body lifeless. The caster may then attempt to take control of a nearby living creature within 120' of the magic jar, forcing its soul into the magic jar. The caster may move back to the jar (thereby returning the trapped soul to its body) and attempt to possess another body. The spell ends when the caster's soul returns to his own body, leaving the receptacle empty. To cast the spell, the magic jar must be within spell range and the caster must know where it is, though he does not need to be able to see it. When the caster transfers his soul upon casting, the caster's body is, as near as anyone can tell, dead, but does not undergo decay as a normal dead body would. Possession of a creature by means of this spell is blocked by protection from evil or a similar ward. The creature is allowed a save versus Death to resist. If the save is successful, the caster's life force remains in the magic jar, and that target creature is immune to further attempts for one game turn. If the creature fails its saving throw, its body is possessed by the caster's life force, and the creature's life force is imprisoned in the magic jar. The caster keeps his or her Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma, level, class, attack bonus, saving throws, and mental abilities (including spellcasting ability). The body retains its Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, hit points, and natural abilities. A body with extra limbs does not allow the caster to make more attacks than normal. The caster does not have access to any special abilities of the body. If the caster's spirit is in the magic jar, and the jar is broken (whether by dispel magic or physical damage) then there are two possible outcomes. If the jar is within 120' of the caster's body, then the caster's spirit returns to its body. Otherwise, the caster's spirit departs, and the caster dies. In either case, the spell ends. If the caster's spirit is driven from the host body by dispel evil there are also two possibilities. If the magic jar is within 120' of the host body, then the caster's spirit returns to the jar, and the host's spirit returns to its body. The caster will not be able to possess the same host again for one full turn. If the magic jar is not in range of the host body, then the host's spirit is freed from the jar, both the caster's and the host's spirits depart, and the host's body dies. In either case, the spell ends. If the host's spirit is in the magic jar, and the jar is broken then one of the following may happen. If the jar is in range of the host's body, then the caster's spirit departs, the host's spirit returns to its body, and the spell ends. Otherwise, the host's spirit departs, and the caster's spirit is stranded in the host body. Note here that the spell has not ended. Dispel evil can still be used to drive the caster's spirit from the body, which departs as noted, ending the spell. In any case where the spell ends with the caster's body unoccupied by a spirit, that body does truly die.

Magic Missile

  • Arcane: 1
  • Divine: 0
  • Duration: instantaneous
  • Range: 150'
This spell causes a missile of magical energy to dart forth from the caster's fingertip and strike its target, dealing 1d6+1 points of damage. The missile strikes unerringly, even if the target is in melee combat, so long as the target has less than total cover or total concealment. Specific parts of a creature can't be singled out. Inanimate objects are not damaged by the spell. For every five caster levels beyond 1st, an additional two missiles are fired - three missiles at 6th and the maximum of five missiles at 13th level. If the caster fires multiple missiles, he can target a single creature or several creatures. A single missile can strike only one creature. Targets must be designated before damage is rolled.

Magic Mouth

  • Arcane: 1
  • Divine: 0
  • Duration: special
  • Range: 30'
This spell imbues the chosen non-living object with an enchanted mouth that suddenly appears and speaks its message the next time a specified event occurs. The message, which may be up to three words per caster level long, can be in any language known by the caster and can be delivered over a period of 10 minutes, at any volume from a whisper to a yell. The voice will resemble the caster's, but will not be identical. The mouth cannot use command words or activate magical effects. It does, however, move according to the words articulated; if it were placed upon a statue, the mouth of the statue would move and appear to speak. Magic mouth can be placed upon a tree, rock, or any other object. The spell functions when specific conditions are fulfilled according to the caster's command as set in the spell. Commands can be as general or as detailed as desired, although only visual and audible triggers can be used. Triggers react to what appears to be the case. Disguises and illusions can fool them. Normal darkness does not defeat a visual trigger, but magical darkness or invisibility does. Silent movement or magical silence defeats audible triggers. Audible triggers can be keyed to general types of noises or to a specific noise or spoken word. Actions can serve as triggers if they are visible or audible. A magic mouth cannot distinguish level, Hit Dice, or class except by external garb. The range limit of a trigger is 10' per caster level, so a 6th level caster can command a magic mouth to respond to triggers as far as 60' away. Regardless of range, the mouth can respond only to visible or audible triggers and actions in line of sight or within hearing distance.


  • Arcane: 4
  • Divine: 0
  • Duration: special
  • Range: 240'
With this spell the caster causes up to 100 man-sized creatures to appear as if they are natural effects of the terrain (e.g., trees in a forest, stalagmites in a cave, coral underwater, boulders in a cavern, etc.). All creatures to be affected must be within a 120' radius of the caster at the time the spell is cast. Only those creatures the caster wishes to hide are affected, and then only if they are willing to be concealed. The caster may include himself among the affected creatures. Those affected are thus concealed from other creatures passing through the area for so long as they remain still. If an affected creature chooses to move or attack, the illusion is dispelled for that creature, but those who remain still continue to be hidden. The caster may end the spell early if he wishes by speaking a single word. The illusion can also be ended by dispel magic.

Mirror Image

  • Arcane: 2
  • Divine: 0
  • Duration: 6 turns
  • Range: self
This spell creates several illusory duplicates of the caster. The images move through each other as well as the real caster more or less constantly, making it impossible for most creatures to determine which is real. A total of 1d4 images are created. These figments separate from the caster and remain in a cluster around him. The figments mimic the caster's actions, pretending to cast spells, drink potions, levitate, and so on, just as the caster does. Figments always look exactly like the caster. Enemies attempting to attack or cast spells upon the caster will always hit a figment instead. Any attack against an image destroys it, whether the attack throw is successful or not; likewise, attack spells cast directly upon a figment will destroy it, with no saving throw allowed. Area-effect spells are not cast directly on the caster, and thus appear to affect all figments exactly as they affect the caster; for instance, if the caster is subjected to a fireball, all figments will appear to be injured just as the caster was.

Move Earth

  • Arcane: 6
  • Divine: 0
  • Duration: 6 turns
  • Range: 240'
With this spell, the caster can move large volumes of soil, even to the point of altering the surface features of areas within range. Earth in the area can be moved at 60' per turn, according to the spellcaster's desires. The spell's range will extend downwards through the earth until it reaches the limit (240') or solid rock. Move earth cannot affect stone, only soil.

Neutralize Poison*

  • Arcane: 0
  • Divine: 4
  • Duration: instantaneous
  • Range: touch
This spell detoxifies any sort of venom in the creature or object touched. A poisoned creature suffers no additional effects from the poison; if cast upon a creature slain by poison in the last 10 rounds, the creature is revived with 1 hit point. If cast upon a poisonous object (such as a weapon, trap, etc.) the poison is rendered permanently ineffective. Reversed, this spell becomes poison. The caster must make a successful attack throw; if the attack is a success, the target must save versus Poison or die. The caster's touch remains poisonous for 1 round per level of ability, or until discharged (i.e. only one creature can be affected by the reversed spell).


  • Arcane: 5
  • Divine: 0
  • Duration: 3 turns
  • Range: 30'
This spell creates a passage through wooden, plaster, or stone walls, but not through metal or other harder materials. The passage is up to 10' deep. If the wall's thickness is more than the depth of the passage created, then a single passwall simply makes a niche or short tunnel. Several passwall spells can then form a continuing passage to breach very thick walls. When passwall ends (due to duration, dispel magic, or caster's choice), the hole closes; creatures within the passage are ejected out the nearest exit.

Phantasmal Force

  • Arcane: 2
  • Divine: 0
  • Duration: concentration
  • Range: 240'
This spell creates the visual illusion of an object, creature, or force, as visualized by the caster, up to a maximum size of 20'x20'x20'. The illusion does not create sound, smell, texture, or temperature. The caster can move the image within the limits of the size of the effect. The image persists so long as the caster concentrates upon it. If used to create the illusion of one or more creatures, they will have an Armor Class of 0 and will disappear if hit in combat. If used to simulate an attack spell or an attacking creature, the illusory damage done will be equivalent to the normal damage for any attack form simulated. A successful save versus Spells, however, will allow victims to avoid all damage. Illusory damage is not real. Those "killed" or injured will realize they are unharmed (at least from this spell) after 1d3 rounds.

Polymorph Other

  • Arcane: 4
  • Divine: 0
  • Duration: permanent
  • Range: 60'
This spell allows the caster to change one target into another form of living creature. The assumed form can't have more Hit Dice than caster's level, and must have fewer than twice the Hit Dice of the old form. Incorporeal or gaseous forms cannot result from a polymorph other. Unlike polymorph self, the transformed target also gains the alignment, behavioral and mental traits, any physical attacks, and special, supernatural or spell-like abilities of the new form, in addition to the physical capabilities and statistics of such. If the new form is substantially less intelligent, the target may not remember its former life. The spell cannot create a duplicate of a specific individual. The target creature will have the same number of hit points it previously had, regardless of the Hit Dice of the form assumed. Incorporeal or gaseous creatures are immune to this spell, as noted above. A creature with shape changing abilities such as a doppleganger can revert to its natural form in one round. Unwilling targets that successfully make a saving throw versus Spells are not affected. The spell is permanent until dispelled by dispel magic or the creature is slain, at which time the target's corpse reverts to its original form.

Polymorph Self

  • Arcane: 4
  • Divine: 0
  • Duration: 6 turns plus 1 turn per level
  • Range: self
This spell allows the caster to change into another form of living creature. The assumed form can't have more Hit Dice than the caster's level. The caster can't assume an incorporeal or gaseous form. If slain, the caster reverts to his original form. The caster gains the physical capabilities and statistics of the new form but retains his own mental abilities. He also gains all physical attacks possessed by the form but does not gain any special, supernatural or spell-like abilities. Dragon breath is a special ability, for instance, so were the caster to assume the form of a dragon he could use the dragon's normal claw, bite, and tail swipe attacks, but not the dragon's breath. The caster can remain transformed for the full duration of the spell, or may choose to end the spell whenever he desires.


  • Arcane: 0
  • Divine: 3
  • Duration: 1 round per level
  • Range: 60'
By means of a prayer spell, the divine spellcaster brings great favor upon himself and his party, and causes harm to his enemies. Once the prayer spell is cast, all attack throws, damage rolls, and saving throws made by those in range who are friendly to the caster are at +1, while those of the cleric's enemies are at -1. The prayer spell does not require the caster to concentrate once cast.

Projected Image

  • Arcane: 6
  • Divine: 0
  • Duration: 6 turns
  • Range: 240'
This spell creates a quasi-real, illusory version of the caster. The intangible projected image looks, sounds, and smells like the caster, in addition to mimicking gestures and actions, including speech. Any further spells cast seem to originate from the illusion, not the actual caster. A line of sight between the caster and his illusory self must be maintained or the spell ends. Dimension door, teleport, or any similar spell that breaks the line of sight dispels the image, as does the illusionary caster being struck in combat. Note that this spell grants no special sensory powers to the caster; for example, if the illusory self is positioned so as to be able to see something the caster can't directly see, the caster does not see it. Also, all spell ranges are still figured from the caster's actual position, not the illusory self's position.

Protection from Evil*

  • Arcane: 1
  • Divine: 1
  • Duration: concentration
  • Range: self
This spell creates a magical barrier of protection around the caster with a 10' radius. The barrier surrounds the caster for the duration of the spell and provides some protection from attacks by "evil" creatures. For purposes of this spell, evil creatures include hostile creatures of an alignment other than the caster's alignment, and inherently evil creatures such as undead and summoned creatures of Chaotic alignment. All within the radius gain a +1 bonus to AC and a +1 bonus on saving throws against attacks made or effects created by evil creatures. Those who leave and then re-enter, or who enter after the spell is cast, receive the protection as well. In addition, the spell prevents bodily contact by enchanted (constructed, summoned, or undead) creatures, regardless of whether they are "evil" or not. This causes the natural weapon attacks of such creatures to fail and the creatures to recoil if such attacks require touching the warded creature. The spell's protection against contact by enchanted creatures ends if the caster or any protected creature makes an attack against, casts a spell on, or tries to force the barrier against a blocked creature. The protection lasts as long as the caster remains stationary and concentrates on it. Reversed, this spell becomes protection from good. Like its counterpart, protection from good protects the caster from attacks by hostile creatures of an alignment other than the caster's and prevents bodily contact by enchanted creatures. However, instead of protecting the caster from inherently evil creatures (e.g. summoned creatures of Chaotic alignment), protection from good protects the caster from inherently good creatures (e.g. summoned creatures of Lawful alignment).

Protection from Evil, Sustained*

  • Arcane: 3
  • Divine: 4
  • Duration: 12 turns
  • Range: 0'
This spell functions exactly as protection from evil, but with a duration of 12 turns. The barrier will move with the caster, who does not need to concentrate to maintain its protection. Reversed, this spell becomes protection from good, sustained, and functions exactly as the reversed form of protection from evil, except with a duration of 12 turns without the need for concentration.

Protection from Normal Missiles

  • Arcane: 3
  • Divine: 0
  • Duration: 12 turns
  • Range: 30'
The subject of this spell is completely protected from small sized, non-magical missile attacks. Therefore, magic arrows, hurled boulders, or other such are not blocked, but any number of normal arrows, sling bullets, crossbow bolts, thrown daggers, and the like will be fended off. Note that normal missiles projected by magic bows count as magical missiles for the purposes of this spell.

Purify Food and Water

  • Arcane: 0
  • Divine: 1
  • Duration: Instantaneous
  • Range: 10'
This spell makes spoiled, rotten, poisonous, or otherwise contaminated food and water pure and suitable for eating and drinking. This spell will purify one ration of food, 6 skins of water, or enough normal food to feed a dozen people. This spell does not prevent subsequent natural decay or spoilage. Unholy water and similar food and drink of significance is spoiled by purify food and water, but the spell has no effect on creatures of any type, nor upon magic potions.


  • Arcane: 0
  • Divine: 5
  • Duration: special
  • Range: 30'
Quest places a magical command on a creature to carry out some service, or to refrain from some action or course of activity, as desired by the caster. The target creature must be able to understand the caster for this spell to take effect. While a quest cannot compel a creature to kill itself or perform acts that would result in certain death, it can cause almost any other course of activity. A saving throw versus Spells will allow an unwilling target to resist a quest when it is first cast. However, the target may choose to accept the quest, typically as part of a bargain with the caster to perform some service. The affected creature must follow the given instructions until the quest is completed, no matter how long it takes. If the instructions involve some open-ended task that the recipient cannot complete through his own actions, the spell remains in effect for a maximum of one day per caster level. A clever recipient can subvert some instructions. A character who ignores a quest will suffer cumulative penalties (decided by the Judge) until the character obeys the quest or dies. Suitable penalties include penalties in combat, lowered ability scores, loss of spells, and pain and weakness ending in death. The penalties are removed 24 hours after the subject resumes obeying the quest. A quest (and all effects thereof) can be ended by a remove curse spell from a caster two or more levels higher than the caster of the quest, or by a wish, or by the reverse of this spell. Dispel magic does not affect a quest spell.

Restore Life and Limb*

  • Arcane: 0
  • Divine: 5
  • Duration: instantaneous
  • Range: touch (120')
This spell restores life to a deceased creature (excluding creatures which are not truly alive, such as constructs, elementals, and undead). The caster can raise a creature that has been dead for no longer than two days at 7th level, and four days are added per level above 7. For example, a 9th level caster can bring a character back to life that has been dead for 10 days. However, this spell cannot bring back a creature that has died of old age, lost its head, or had its body cremated. Because it repairs even lethal damage and regrows flesh and bone, this spell can also heal a character of any permanent wounds, such as lost limbs, disfiguring scars, or shattered spines (see the [Mortal Wounds](Chapter06.md#mortal-wounds) table in Chapter 6 for details on permanent wounds).Despite this spell's beneficial results, tampering with the body and soul is never without risk. Each time a character benefits from restore life and limb, he must roll on the [Tampering with Mortality](Chapter06.md#tampering-with-mortality) table in Chapter 6 and apply these results. If restore life and limb is ever cast on an undead monster, the monster must save versus Death or be instantly destroyed. The reverse of this spell, finger of death, creates a death ray that will kill any one creature unless a save versus Death is made. Lawful clerics may only use finger of death in life-or-death situations against Chaotic foes.

Read Languages

  • Arcane: 1
  • Divine: 0
  • Duration: 2 turns
  • Range: self
This spell grants the caster the ability to read almost any written language, including treasure maps, secret symbols, and other codes. For this spell to function, there must be at least one living creature that can naturally read the given language or code somewhere on the same plane. Truly unknown or dead languages or codes cannot be comprehended.


  • Arcane: 6
  • Divine: 0
  • Duration: instantaneous
  • Range: touch
With this spell, the caster returns life to a character by means of creating another body. Since the character is returning in a new body, all physical ills and afflictions are repaired. The condition of the remains is not a factor. So long as some small portion of the body still exists, it can be reincarnated. The magic of the spell creates an entirely new young adult body. Roll on the Reincarnation table to determine what sort of creature the character becomes. A reincarnated character recalls the majority of its former life and form. If the result on the table below indicates reincarnation as a human or demi-human, the character returns at the same class level with minimum experience. The character's Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma are set to the character's original scores, but Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution scores should be rerolled. If the result on the table below indicates that the reincarnated character returns as a monster, roll on the column matching the original character's alignment. Additional monsters may be used to extend the table, but no monster having more than 6 HD should be included, and each monster should be minimally semi-intelligent. The reincarnated monster gains all abilities associated with its new form, including forms of movement and speeds, natural armor, natural attacks, extraordinary abilities, and the like, but it doesn't automatically speak the language of the new form. If the monster's Hit Dice are below the character's former class level, its Hit Dice are increased to the character's former class level. A character brought back as a monster may increase in HD through adventuring. It requires 3,000 XP plus 500XP per special ability (*) for a 1 HD monster to advance to 2 HD. The amount of XP required doubles with each HD (round values greater than 20,000XP to the nearest 1,000). See [Transformations](Chapter10.md#transformations) in Chapter 10 for more information about playing monsters as characters. *Example*: Creven, a 5th level chaotic explorer, is reincarnated as a Wererat. Wererats are normally 3 HD monsters, but because Creven was 5th level, he reincarnates as a 5 HD Wererat. Wererats have one special ability (or *). It takes 3,500xp for a 1 HD monster with one special ability to advance to 2 HD; 7,000XP from 2 HD to 3 HD; 14,000XP from 3 HD to 4 HD; 28,000XP from 4 HD to 5 HD; 56,000XP from 5 HD to 6 HD; 112,000XP from 6 HD to 7 HD, and so on. Creven, at 5 HD, will need 56,000XP to increase to 6 HD in his new form. | Roll (1d10) | Law (1d6) | Neutral (1d6) | Chaos (1d10) | 1 Human (pick Class) | 1 Gnome | 1 Pixie/Sprite | 1 Kobold | 2 Human (pick Class) | 2 Neanderthal | 2 Rock Baboon | 2 Goblin | 3 Human (pick Class) | 3 Blink Dog | 3 Ape | 3 Orc | 4 Human (pick Class) | 4 Pegasus | 4 Centaur | 4 Hobgoblin | 5 Human (pick Class) | 5 Unicorn | 5 Griffon | 5 Gnoll | 6 Elf (pick Class) | 6 Roc, Small | 6 Werebear | 6 Bugbear | 7 Dwarf (pick Class) | - | - | 7 Wererat | 8 Original Race (pick Class) | - | - | 8 Ogre | 9 Original Race (pick Class) | - | - | 9 Werewolf | 10 Monster | - | - | 10 Minotaur

Remove Curse*

  • Arcane: 4
  • Divine: 3
  • Duration: instantaneous
  • Range: 30'
Remove curse instantaneously removes all curses on an object or a creature. If cast on a cursed item, remove curse does not remove the curse from the item, but it enables the creature afflicted with any such cursed item to remove and get rid of it. Any curse cast by a character of equal or lower level than remove curse caster's level is ended automatically. Those curses bestowed by higher level casters might not be removed; there is a 5% chance the remove curse will fail for each level the cursing character's level exceeds the level of the caster removing the curse. Certain special curses may not be countered by this spell at all, or may be countered only by a caster of a certain level or higher. The reverse of this spell, bestow curse, allows the caster to place a curse on a target creature or object. A saving throw versus Spells is allowed to resist. The caster must choose one of the following four effects: - -4 decrease to an ability score (minimum 1). - -4 penalty on attack throws and saves. - Prime requisite halved (minimum 1). - Each round of combat, the target has a 50% chance to act normally; otherwise, it takes no action. The caster may also invent his own curse, but it should be no more powerful than those described above. The curse thus bestowed cannot be dispelled, but it can be removed with a remove curse spell. There is no limit to the number of different curses a character may suffer from.

Remove Fear*

  • Arcane: 0
  • Divine: 1
  • Duration: instantaneous (2 turns)
  • Range: touch (120')
This spell will calm the creature touched and remove all fear. If the subject is currently running away due to magical fear, it is allowed a new saving throw to resist that fear, at a bonus of +1 per level of the caster. The reverse of this spell, cause fear, causes one target creature within 120' to become frightened; if the target fails to save versus Death, it flees for 2 turns. Creatures with 6 or more Hit Dice are immune to this effect.

Resist Cold

  • Arcane: 0
  • Divine: 1
  • Duration: 6 turns
  • Range: touch
This abjuration grants a creature temporary immunity to cold. Minor cold (such as exposure to winter weather in inadequate clothing) is ignored by the subject creature. Against more significant cold (such as the breath of a White Dragon), the subject creature gains a bonus of +2 on saving throws, and all damage from such attacks is reduced by -1 point per die of damage rolled. Any cold attacks will still inflict at least 1 point of damage per die rolled, however.

Resist Fire

  • Arcane: 0
  • Divine: 2
  • Duration: 6 turns
  • Range: touch
This abjuration grants a creature temporary immunity to fire and heat. Minor heat or fire (such as exposure to normal flames) is ignored by the subject creature. Against more significant heat or fire (such as a fireball), the subject creature gains a bonus of +2 on saving throws, and all damage from such attacks is reduced by -1 point per die of damage rolled. Any fire attacks will still inflict at least 1 point of damage per die rolled, however.


  • Arcane: 0
  • Divine: 1
  • Duration: 2 rounds plus 1 round per level
  • Range: touch
Any opponent attempting to strike or otherwise directly attack the warded creature must attempt a saving throw versus Spells. If the save succeeds, the opponent can attack normally and is unaffected by that casting of the spell. If the save fails, the opponent will not attack the warded creature and will attack another creature instead. However, area effects (e.g. fireball) may still affect the warded creature. The warder creature may not make offensive actions while this spell is in effect, but he may cast non-offensive spells to help companions.


  • Arcane: 1
  • Divine: 0
  • Duration: 3 turns
  • Range: self
Shield creates an invisible, shield-like mobile disk of force that hovers in front of the caster. It negates magic missile attacks directed at the caster, and grants the caster an Armor Class of 7 against missile attacks and 5 against melee attacks. The Armor Class benefits do not apply to attacks originating from behind the caster, but magic missiles are warded off from all directions.


  • Arcane: 0
  • Divine: 2
  • Duration: 12 turns
  • Range: 180'
This spell surrounds the bladedancer with a shimmering aura. The aura provides a bonus of +2 to all saving throws. Attack throws against the bladedancer are at -2. Silence 15' Radius Upon the casting of this spell, complete silence prevails within a 15' radius around the target. All sound is stopped: Conversation is impossible, spells cannot be cast, and no noise whatsoever issues from, enters, or passes through the area. The spell can be cast on a point in space, making the effect stationary, or it may be cast on a mobile object. The spell can be centered on a creature, and the effect then radiates from the creature and moves as it moves. An unwilling creature receives a save versus Spells to negate the spell. If an item in another creature's possession is targeted, that creature also receives a save versus Spells to negate. This spell provides a defense against sonic or language-based attacks or spells.


  • Arcane: 1
  • Divine: 0
  • Duration: 4d4 turns
  • Range: 240'
With a sleep spell, the caster may attempt to put creatures into a magical slumber. All creatures to be affected must be visible and within range of the spell. The caster may choose to target 1 specific creature of 4+1 HD or less, or a group of up to 2d8 HD of creatures of 4 HD or less. Calculate monsters with less than 1 HD as having 1 HD, and monsters with a bonus to HD as having the flat amount. For example, a 3+2 HD monster would be calculated as having 3 HD. Hit Die that are not sufficient to affect a creature are wasted. Creatures with the fewest HD are affected first. Creatures with more than 4+1 HD cannot be affected at all. Sleeping creatures are helpless and can be killed in one round by unengaged opponents. Slapping or wounding awakens an affected creature, but normal noise does not. Sleep does not affect creatures that are already unconscious or undead, constructs, oozes, and other creatures that do not rest.

Smite Undead*

  • Arcane: 0
  • Divine: 4
  • Duration: special
  • Range: 240' (touch)
This spell instantly destroys a number of Hit Dice of undead equal to the caster's level. All the undead must be within a 60' diameter sphere. Any excess levels of effectiveness are lost. Skeletons and zombies receive no saving throw against this spell; all other undead are allowed a saving throw versus Death to avoid the effect. Undead with 8 or more Hit Dice or levels are immune to the spell. The reverse of this spell, animate dead, functions exactly like the 5th level arcane spell of the same name.

Snake Charm

  • Arcane: 0
  • Divine: 2
  • Duration: see below
  • Range: 60'
The divine spellcaster is able to affect the behavior of snakes, making them indifferent to the caster and others. A caster is able to affect snakes of a number of Hit Die equaling the caster's level. A 7th level caster can affect 7 Hit Dice of snakes, which can equal seven 1 HD snakes, or two 3 HD snakes and one 1 HD snake, or any other combination. A snake that is attacked will defend itself against its attacker, but will continue to remain indifferent to others. Attacking one charmed snake does not break the charm on the others. Hostile snakes are more difficult to charm, and if this spell is cast on snakes that are engaged in melee combat with the caster, the snakes will only be affected by the spell for 1d4+1 rounds. If the spell is cast on snakes that are not hostile at the moment, the spell will last 1d4+1 turns.

Speak with Animals

  • Arcane: 0
  • Divine: 2
  • Duration: 6 turns
  • Range: special
The caster can comprehend and communicate with any one normal or giant animal that is in sight of the caster and able to hear him. It will not affect intelligent animal races or fantastic creatures. The caster may change which animal he is speaking with at will, once per round. The spell doesn't alter the animal's reaction or attitude towards the caster; a standard reaction roll should be made to determine this. Furthermore, more intelligent animals are likely to be terse and evasive, while less intelligent ones make inane comments. However, if an animal is friendly toward the caster, it may be willing to grant some favor or service.

Speak with Plants

  • Arcane: 0
  • Divine: 4
  • Duration: 3 turns
  • Range: 30'
The caster can comprehend and communicate with both normal plants and plant creatures. A normal plant's sense of its surroundings is limited, so it won't be able to give (or recognize) detailed descriptions of creatures or answer questions about events outside its immediate vicinity. The spell doesn't alter the plant's reaction or attitude towards the caster; however, normal plants will generally communicate freely with the caster, as they have nothing else of importance to do. Intelligent plant creatures are more likely to be terse and evasive, behaving in much the same fashion as any other monster. If a plant creature is friendly toward the caster, it may decide to do some favor or service for him. Normal plants are usually not animate, and thus cannot generally perform "services" other than to answer questions.

Speak with Dead

  • Arcane: 0
  • Divine: 3
  • Duration: 1 turn
  • Range: 10'
This spell grants the semblance of life and intellect to a corpse, allowing it to answer several questions that the caster puts to it. The caster may ask one question per two caster levels. Unasked questions are wasted if the duration expires. The corpse's knowledge is limited to what the creature knew during life, including the languages it spoke (if any). Answers are often brief, cryptic, or repetitive. If the corpse has been subject to speak with dead within the past week, the new spell fails. The caster can cast this spell on a corpse that has been deceased for any amount of time, but the body must be mostly intact to be able to respond. A damaged corpse may be able to give partial answers or partially correct answers, but it must at least have a mouth in order to speak at all. This spell does not let the caster actually speak to the creature's soul. It instead draws on the imprinted knowledge "stored" in the corpse. The partially animated body retains the imprint of the soul that once inhabited it, and thus it can speak with all the knowledge that the creature had while alive. The corpse, however, cannot learn new information. Indeed, it won't even remember being questioned. This spell does not affect a corpse that has been turned into an undead creature.

Spiritual Weapon

  • Arcane: 0
  • Divine: 2
  • Duration: 1 round/level
  • Range: 30'
This spell causes a weapon made of pure force to spring into existence, attacking any foe chosen by the divine spellcaster within range once per round. It deals 1d6 points of damage per strike, +1 point per three caster levels (maximum of +4). It uses the caster's normal attack throws, striking as a magical weapon, and thus can inflict damage upon creatures that are only hit by magic weapons. If the spiritual weapon goes beyond the spell range, the divine spellcaster loses sight of it, or the caster ceases to direct it, the weapon disappears. The weapon cannot be attacked or harmed by physical attacks, but dispel magic, disintegrate, or a rod of cancellation will dispel it. The spiritual weapon will be of a type appropriate to the cleric and his deity.

Sticks to Snakes

  • Arcane: 0
  • Divine: 4
  • Duration: 6 turns
  • Range: 120'
This spell transforms 2d8 normal wooden sticks into normal [snakes](Chapter08.md#snake) per every four caster levels. (See the Monsters chapter for details on types of snakes.) There is a 50% chance the snakes will be poisonous. The snakes follow the commands of the caster. When slain, dispelled, or the spell expires, the snakes return to their original stick form. Magical "sticks" such as enchanted staffs cannot be affected.

Strength of Mind*

  • Arcane: 0
  • Divine: 5
  • Duration: 12 turns
  • Range: touch
This spell gives a bonus of +4 to saving throws versus Death, Staffs, Wands, Paralysis, Petrification, and Spells to the creature touched. The reverse spell, weakness of mind, decreases the touched creature's saving throws by -4; no saving throw is allowed against Weakness of Mind.


  • Arcane: 0
  • Divine: 3
  • Duration: 3 turns
  • Range: 30'
This spell bestows upon one weapon within range the ability to deal 1d6 points of additional damage. This extra damage is applied on each successful attack for the duration of the spell. It provides no bonus to attack throws, but if cast on a normal weapon, the spell allows monsters only hit by magical weapons to be affected; only the 1d6 points of magical damage applies to such a monster, however.

Sword of Fire

  • Arcane: 0
  • Divine: 5
  • Duration: 12 turns
  • Range: 0'
On casting this spell, a sword of fire appears in the divine spellcaster's hand. The sword is magical and has bonuses to attack throws and damage rolls equal to the caster's level divided by 3 (round up). The sword will set alight inflammable substances, and can harm undead and incorporeal creatures. The divine spellcaster can cause the sword to appear and disappear at will, enabling him to cast spells and carry out other activities.


  • Arcane: 5
  • Divine: 0
  • Duration: 6 rounds
  • Range: 120'
This spell permits the caster to move objects or creatures within range by concentration alone. A creature or object weighing no more than 2 stone (20lb) per caster level can be moved up to 20' per round. A creature can negate the effect on itself or an object it holds or has on its body with a successful save versus Spells. In order to use this power, the caster must maintain concentration, moving no more than half speed, making no attacks and casting no spells. If concentration is lost, whether intentional or not, the power may be used again on the next round, but the subject of the effect is allowed a new saving throw.


  • Arcane: 5
  • Divine: 0
  • Duration: instantaneous
  • Range: touch
This spell instantly transports the creature touched to a designated destination, which may be any distance. When the spell works properly, the transported creature, carrying up to its full encumbrance load, will arrive at "ground" level in a suitable open place. If transporting an unwilling target, it is entitled to resist with a saving throw versus Spells. The chance of the teleportation working correctly will depend on how familiar the caster is with the location and layout of the destination. The clearer the mental image, the more likely the teleportation works. To determine how well the teleportation works, roll d% and consult the table below. A "very familiar" place is one the caster has been very often, such as his home or laboratory. Places that are "studied carefully" include those known well, either because the caster can currently see it, he has been there often, or has used other means (such as scrying) to study the place for at least one hour. Places that are "seen casually" are those that the caster has seen more than once but with which he is not very familiar. Places that are "'viewed once" include any that the caster has seen once. | Familiarity | On Target | Off Target | Lost | Very familiar | 01-95 | 96-99 | 00 | Studied carefully | 01-80 | 81-90 | 91-00 | Seen casually | 01-50 | 51-75 | 76-00 | Viewed once | 01-30 | 31-65 | 66-00 A creature arriving "On Target" appears in the desired location. A creature arriving "Off Target" appears 1d10x10 feet away from the target in a random direction. Should this location already be occupied by solid matter, the creature is instantly killed; if this location is above the ground, the creature will take falling damage as it plummets to earth. A creature arriving "Lost" simply does not reappear at all. Whether such creatures are disintegrated, trapped forever in some unknown plane of existence, or transported to some distant time and place is a matter of debate among the wise. Note that the caster cannot intentionally teleport himself or another creature into thin air, off target, or into solid matter.


  • Arcane: 0
  • Divine: 4
  • Duration: 1 turn
  • Range: 60'
This spell grants the divine spellcaster the ability to speak and understand the language of any intelligent creature within a 60' radius around the caster. The reverse, garble, can be cast on any intelligent creature within 60' of the caster. No saving throw is permitted. If the target is the beneficiary of a tongues spell, garble will negate the tongues spell; otherwise, garble will render the target unable to speak and understand the languages of other intelligent creatures. While unable to communicate with others, the target may still think clearly and understand his own words, so garble does not prevent the target from casting spells. Indeed, the target may not immediately realize he is under the effects of a garble - he may think something is wrong with the creatures around him who can't understand what he's saying.

Transmute Rock to Mud*

  • Arcane: 5
  • Divine: 0
  • Duration: 3d6 days (permanent)
  • Range: 120'
This spell changes a volume of natural, uncut, unworked rock into an equal volume of mud. The volume transformed can be up to up to 3,000 square feet across and up to 10' deep. Magical stone is not affected by the spell, nor are building, bridges, and other structures made of worked stone. Transmute rock to mud is most commonly cast in preparation for a pitched battle to create fields of nearly impassable ground. Creatures entering the area of the mud become mired in the deep morass. Mired creatures are slowed to 1/10th their normal movement speed and suffer a -2 penalty to AC. If the spell is cast underground on a cave's rock ceiling, the mud immediately falls to the floor and spreads out in a pool, forming a mire (as above). The falling mud deals 8d6 points of damage to creatures in the area, half damage if they make a saving throw versus Blast. At the Judge's discretion, transforming a large volume of ceiling rock in a cave can precipitate a wider cave-in as the area's structural integrity becomes compromised. Mud created by this spell remains such until the duration expires or the reverse of this spell (transmute mud to rock) restores the rock to its original substance. The volume transformed by the reversed version is identical, but the duration of the transmutation is permanent. When mud becomes rock, the shape of the area may be different, as the mud may have moved or shifted.

True Seeing

  • Arcane: 0
  • Divine: 5
  • Duration: 1 turn plus 1 round per level
  • Range: touch
This spell confers on the subject the ability to see all things as they actually are. The subject sees through normal and magical darkness, notices secret doors, sees the exact locations of displaced creatures or objects, sees through normal or magical disguises, sees invisible creatures or objects normally, sees through illusions, and sees the true form of polymorphed, changed, or transmuted things. The range of true seeing conferred is 120'. True seeing, however, does not penetrate solid objects. It in no way confers X-ray vision or its equivalent. It does not negate concealment, including that caused by fog and the like. In addition, the spell's effects cannot be further enhanced with known magic, so one cannot use true seeing through a crystal ball or in conjunction with clairvoyance.


  • Arcane: 1
  • Divine: 0
  • Duration: 2 turns
  • Range: 60'
This spell allows the caster to cause his voice to sound from someplace else within range, such as from a dark alcove or statue.


  • Arcane: 0
  • Divine: 4
  • Duration: 1 turn per level
  • Range: touch
The subject of this spell receives a bonus of +2 to saving throws, an additional 1d10 hit points, and a 1d3 bonus to Strength. The extra hit points cannot be restored by healing and are the first lost whenever the character takes damage. Strength may be increased to a maximum of 19. A character with Strength 19 gains a +4 bonus to attack throws and damage rolls.

Wall of Fire

  • Arcane: 4
  • Divine: 0
  • Duration: 2 turns
  • Range: 60'
An immobile, opaque, blazing curtain of shimmering violet fire springs into existence. The wall can be as large as 1,200 square feet, and may be shaped in any manner and to any dimensions the caster desires, so that it can be a straight wall or curved into a protective circle. This wall of flames is impenetrable to monsters with fewer than 4 HD. Monsters with more than 4 HD suffer 1d6 points of damage when they pass through the wall. The wall deals double damage to undead creatures or creatures who use cold or are accustomed to cold. The wall may not be evoked so that it appears where objects or creatures already are.

Wall of Ice

  • Arcane: 4
  • Divine: 0
  • Duration: 2 turns
  • Range: 120'
An immobile, translucent, wall of ice springs into existence for the duration of the spell. The wall can be as large as 1,200 square feet, and may be shaped in any manner and to any dimensions the caster desires, so that it can be a straight wall or curved into a protective circle. This wall of ice is impenetrable to monsters with fewer than 4 HD. Monsters with more than 4 HD suffer 1d6 hit points of damage when they break through the wall. The wall deals double damage to creatures that use fire or are accustomed to hot conditions. The wall may not be evoked so that it appears where objects or creatures already are, and it must rest on a solid surface.

Wall of Iron

  • Arcane: 6
  • Divine: 0
  • Duration: permanent
  • Range: 60'
This spell causes a flat, vertical iron wall to spring into being. The wall is normally 1" thick and can be as large as 1,000 square feet. The wall can be made thicker than 1" with a proportionate reduction in area, but cannot be made less than 1" thick. If the caster so desires, the wall can bond itself to any surrounding nonliving material if its area is sufficient to do so. The wall cannot be conjured so that it appears where objects or creatures already are. The wall must always be a flat plane, though the edges can be shaped to fit the available space, and it must always be conjured in contact with the ground. The caster can create the wall vertically resting on a flat surface but not attached to the surface, so that it can be tipped over to fall on and crush creatures beneath it. The wall is 50% likely to tip in either direction if left un-pushed. Creatures can push the wall in one direction rather than letting it fall randomly. Pushing the wall in one direction requires a successful Open Doors proficiency throw. Creatures with room to flee a falling wall can do so with a successful save versus Blast. Creatures of ogre size or smaller that fail the save take 10d6 points of damage. The wall cannot crush larger creatures. This wall is permanent unless otherwise destroyed or dispel magic spell is cast upon it. Like any iron wall, it is subject to rust, perforation, and other natural phenomena.

Wall of Stone

  • Arcane: 5
  • Divine: 0
  • Duration: permanent
  • Range: 60'
The caster brings a stone wall into being that can be any form the caster desires, to a maximum of 1,000 cubic feet. This wall is permanent unless otherwise destroyed or dispelled with dispel magic. The wall may not be evoked so that it appears where objects or creatures already are, and it must rest on a solid surface. The caster can create a wall of stone in almost any shape he desires. The wall created need not be vertical, nor rest upon any firm foundation; however, it must merge with and be solidly supported by existing stone. It can be used to bridge a chasm, for instance, or as a ramp. For this use, if the span is more than 20', the wall must be arched and buttressed. This requirement reduces the spell's area by half. The wall can be crudely shaped to allow crenellations, battlements, and so forth by likewise reducing the area.

Water Breathing

  • Arcane: 3
  • Divine: 0
  • Duration: 1 day
  • Range: 30'
This spell allows the affected creature to breathe underwater, at any depth. It does not prevent the creature from breathing air, nor does it provide any special ability to move underwater.


  • Arcane: 2
  • Divine: 0
  • Duration: 48 turns
  • Range: 10'
This spell creates a many-layered mass of strong, sticky strands covering an area 10' x 10' x 10'. Creatures caught within a web become entangled among the gluey fibers. Attacking a creature in a web does not cause the attacker to become entangled, but moving through the affected area will. Entangled creatures can't move, but can break loose depending on their strength. Creatures of normal human strength or less will take 2d4 turns to break through the web. Strong humans (with ability scores 13-17) can break through the web in 1 turn. Creatures as strong as or stronger than ogres (18 Strength) can break free of a web in 4 rounds. Giants or creatures of similar great strength can break through the web in 2 rounds. The strands of a web spell are flammable. All creatures within flaming webs take 1d6 points of fire damage from the flames for 2 rounds, after which surviving creatures become free.

Wizard Eye

  • Arcane: 4
  • Divine: 0
  • Duration: 6 turns
  • Range: 240'
With this spell the caster creates an invisible magical "eye" through which he can see. The eye has infravision, but otherwise sees exactly as the caster would (including being able to detect magic, see invisible or detect evil if those spells are in effect on the caster). It can be created in any place the caster can see, up to a range of 240' away, and thereafter can move at a rate of 40' per round as directed by the caster. The eye will not move more than 240' away from the caster under any circumstances. The eye cannot pass through solid objects, but as it is exactly the size of a normal human's eye, it can pass through holes as small as 1" in diameter. The caster must concentrate to use the eye.